The New Working Forms of the Third Cuban Educational Perfection: a Procedure for Their Implementation. (Original)
procedure; perfection; working forms, educational institutionsAbstract
The elaboration of a procedure for the implementation in the new ways of work of the institutions and modalities educational proposals in the Third perfection of the National System of Education, in Cuba as a process concerns to the structures of the educational institutions, to guide this process theoretically and to offer methodological orientation that viability its implementation in the practice, constituted the objective of an investigation whose theoretical foundation and results are exposed in this work. The procedure constitutes the answer to the scientific problem referred to inadequacies in the implementation in the new working ways of the Third Improvement of the National System of Education they limit the effectiveness of this process. It is structured in stages and stocks that they facilitate the operability in their implementation, those that are chained in successive and coordinated sequences that are articulated to each other. The procedure, is managed to it guides the work of the directors of the educational institutions, in the projection, implementation, control and evaluation of the studied process, to achieve its effective setting-up and an address more participative.
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