Evaluation of three seedling distances and QuitoMax in the crop of the corn (Original)



chitosan; variety Tusón; yield; corn


The work was carried in the Cooperative of Credits and Services Gerardo Zamora Álvarez, of Jiguaní, Granma, with the objective of evaluating three seedling distances, with the application of QuitoMax (chitosan), in the cultivation of the corn variety Tusón. A dose of 300 mg was applied ha-1, to flowering beginning. The treatments were, T1:Marco of seedling of 0,60 for 0,30 m, with application of QuitoMax, T2: Marco of seedling of 0,60 for 0,30 m, without application of QuitoMax, T3: Marco of seedling to double array 0,90x 0,30 x 0,20 m with application of QuitoMax, T4: Marco of seedling to double array 0,90x 0,30 x 0,20 m without application of QuitoMax, T5: Marco of seedling of 0,90 for 0,60 m, with application of QuitoMax T6: Marco of seedling of 0,90 for 0,60 m, without application of QuitoMax. The size of the parcels of 0,5 has divided in two same parts, the height of the plants, mass of the ear for treatments, number of arrays for ears, number of grains for array, weight of 1000 grains was evaluated and agricultural yield, on a totally randomized design. The data were processed with the Statistical Package Statistica V. 10.0, using an analysis of variance of simple classification ANOVA and the test of multiple comparison of stockings was used by Tukey for a level of significance of 5%. The best results are obtained when sowing with distance of 0,60 for 0,30 m with the application of QuitoMax with yield of 4,22 t ha-1.

Author Biographies

  • Luís Gustavo González Gómez, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniero Agrónomo. Master en Ciencias. Profesor Auxiliar.

  • María Caridad Jiménez Arteaga, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniera Agrónoma. Master en Ciencias. Profesora Auxiliar.

  • Exequiel Olivet Acosta, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniero Agrónomo. Master en Ciencias. Profesor Asistente.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of three seedling distances and QuitoMax in the crop of the corn (Original). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(1), 314-326. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/3053

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