Evaluation of the Pectimorf and QuitoMax in the cultivation of the papaya (Carica papaya, L) cv red Maradol (Original)
quitomax; pectimorf; yield.Abstract
The work was developed in the areas of the parcel belonging to the Productive Educational Department of the University of Granma, with the objective of evaluating the effect of the Pectimorf and QuitoMax on the cultivation of the papaya cv. Red Maradol. For the assembly of the experiment was carried out at random in way in parcels without a previous design, three treatments were evaluated, QuitoMax was applied (T1: 300 mg ha-1) and Pectimorf (T2: 200 mg ha-1)) and a treatment control (T3: humidified the plants with water). The products were applied, to the beginning of the flowering they were marked 10 plants and 10 fruits at random in the crops for the mensurations. The evaluated variables were, Height of the plants (cm). Quantity of flowers, Number of fruits, Wide of the fruits (cm). Long of the fruits (cm), Weigh of the fruits (g), obtained Yield (t ha-1). The analysis statistical employee was an Analysis of Simple Variance and when significant difference existed a Test of Comparison of Stockings it was used by Duncan for 5% of probability of the error. In the productive indicators when the production was zero a t-student test it was applied to evaluate the treatments where it was applied (QuitoMax and Pectimorf). The obtained results allow us with concluding that when QuitoMax is applied the yield it is increased up to 54,41 t ha-1 followed by the application of Pectimorf 24,71 t ha-1.
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