Educational systems and resources based on artificial intelligence to improve learning in university students (Original)
personalized learning; automated feedback; educational technology; sistemAbstract
The study on educational systems and resources based on artificial intelligence was carried out to understand the use of adaptive and intelligent technologies in higher education. The main objective of this research was to analyze the impact of educational systems and resources based on artificial intelligence to improve student learning at the State University of the South of Manabí. The importance justified its ability to transform the educational process, referring to personalizing teaching, optimizing feedback and improving students' academic performance. A mixed methodology was used, in which a quantitative and qualitative approach was combined, scientific methods at the theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistical level were used. The research included tools such as adaptive learning systems, intelligent tutors, and learning analytics to measure their effectiveness and level of adoption by teachers. The main result indicated that artificial intelligence-based systems improve students' academic performance by 85% by personalizing content and providing constant feedback. The most important conclusion is that, although artificial intelligence does not replace the teacher, its integration in the classroom enhances the educational process, making teaching more accessible and effective.
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