Evaluation of Fungicides for the Control of La Roya del Cafeto (HemileiaVastatrixBerk. & Broome) in the Edaphoclimatic conditions of Southern Manabí. (Original)
rust incidence; foliar disease; efficiency; fungicides; coffeeAbstract
The research presented, carried out in the 2018-2019 period in southern Manabí, aimed to evaluate four fungicides for the control of coffee rust (Hemileiavastatrix). In it, the incidence percentage and the efficacy of the treatments were analyzed: Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, nomad, toledo and a control. The experimental method carried out was complete randomized blocks, with four treatments and four repetitions in two farms, forming two experimental units in the Jipijapa canton. Each experimental unit consisted of 91 plants organized in seven rows of thirteen coffee plants, that is, 91 coffee plants / experimental unit and 819 plants / trial / locality. For the evaluation of phytosanitary problems in each experimental unit, two sampling sites were defined, consisting of five coffee plants each, located in the central part. The evaluation of the productive variables was carried out in a useful area of 55 coffee plants located in the central part of the experimental unit. Six samplings were carried out starting in May, every 30 days before and after the applications of the treatments. The results obtained show incidence and efficacy, since from the second application of the treatments (sampling three) a highly significant difference was found between the treatments and the control and for the performance variable; there is profitability, with copper sulfate being the more efficient in preventive application to combat coffee rust.
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