Impact of the Family-School Relationship on the School Performance of Students in Primary Schools in the Six Zone of Sumbe. (Original)
impact; family-school relationship; school performance; pedagogical influence zoneAbstract
This study deals with a reflection on the impact of the family-school relationship on the performance of students in the Primary Schools of the Pedagogical Influence Zone six of Sumbe, with the general objective of proposing an educational strategy to improve the impact of the family-school relationship. School performance of students in the schools under study. To achieve the objective, the following methodology is used: methods of level of theoretical knowledge: historical - logical; analysis - synthesis; inductive - deductive; level of empirical knowledge: observation, document review, interview and surveys; as well as a mathematical-statistical method, which allowed systematizing the theoretical foundations that support the family-school relationship. The problems of the family-school relationship were revealed in the length of the duties of the families and little monitoring of the children to increase the school performance of th eschools in reference. The diagnosis was the starting point for the design of the educational strategy, which includes: rationale, objectives, diagnosis, plan, execution and evaluation; the results of the educational strategy to improve the impact of the family and school relationship on the students' school performance, contributed to raising the quality of education in correspondence with the current requirements of the global and nationalcontext.
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