Methodology for the strengthening of the investigative competence of the History teachers of secondary teaching in the municipality of Amboim. (Review)


  • João Carlos Marques Quintiliano Professor de Ensino Secundário, Município Amboim. Cuanza Sul
  • Rosária Tito Valentim Ramos Professora de Ensino Secundário, Liceu do Sumbe, Cuanza Sul
  • Fidel Luis Alvarez Alvarez Universidade Katyavala Bwila
  • Zaida Yudith Reyna Suárez Universidad de Granma


teaching competences of the History teacher; investigative competences; secondary school History teachers; methodology


This study is based on the research project: The formation of professional skills of History teachers, carried out by the Department of Social Sciences of ISCED of Cuanza Sul. The theme was worked on in the municipality of Amboim, where there are some shortcomings in the History teachers of secondary teaching: difficulties in applying the investigative methodology; they feel insecure in managing investigations; little community interaction for the teaching of History; limited use of historical and didactic research; in explaining the historical content, it is made slight use of situations of the local, national and international context; inefficient use of local historical information sources; tendency to conduct the teaching-learning process in a frontal manner, with limited role of students, and of the most important means for teaching History. The present work has as general objective to structure a methodology for the strengthening of the investigative competences of the History teachers of secondary teaching in the municipality of Amboim. The results show a theoretical systematization of the assumptions of the investigative competences of the History teachers; a methodology is presented to strengthen the investigative competences of the History teachers of secondary teaching in the municipality of Amboim and the relevance of its application is validated through the criteria of users.


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Author Biography

  • Fidel Luis Alvarez Alvarez, Universidade Katyavala Bwila

    Prof. Titular


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How to Cite

Methodology for the strengthening of the investigative competence of the History teachers of secondary teaching in the municipality of Amboim. (Review). (2020). Roca. Scientific-Educational Publication of Granma Province., 16(1), 1098-1111.