The mango seed kernels (Mangifera indica L.): Chemical characterization and use in the animal nutrition (Review)



mango; seed; chemical characterization; animal feed


The industrial processing of mango (Mangifera indica L.) generates waste that is not yet managed efficiently, so it can generate a negative environmental impact. This work was proposed to characterize the potentialities of the mango seed for its use in animal feeding. It was appreciated that, depending on the variety and growing conditions, approximately 40% of the weight of fresh mango is transformed into waste, the seed occupies between 15 and 20% and its crude protein values ​​are not high but it contains the majority of essential amino acids, as well as carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, it is a good source of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. The presence of antinutritional factors such as tannins is reported, which can be mitigated through different methods. Reports on animal feed refer to its use in chickens, rabbits, pigs and ruminants, since its chemical characteristics make it a potential supplement in animal diets, without adverse effects in the recommended proportions.

Author Biographies

  • Luis Jesús Escalona Cruz, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias “Jorge Dimitrov”. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciado. Máster en Educación Superior. Profesor Auxiliar. Investigador Agregado.

  • Gutberto Solano Silvera, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias “Jorge Dimitrov”. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciado. Máster en Producción Animal. Investigador Auxiliar.

  • Aliuska Estrada Martínez, Centro Universitario Municipal de Guisa. Guisa. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciada en Bioquímica. Profesora Auxiliar.


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How to Cite

The mango seed kernels (Mangifera indica L.): Chemical characterization and use in the animal nutrition (Review). (2022). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 6(2), 35-54.