English L2 Writing Development: a social need for Cuban Universities



teaching-learning process of writing, english as a second language, problems, impacts


Science offers solutions to the challenges of everyday life and helps to answer the greatest mysteries of mankind, scientists are in charge of understanding the problems that society faces and striving to find solutions for its sustainable development. The products of soft technologies are essential for transformations in processes, especially in those that have the human being as their center. These are specified in didactic strategies, methodological alternatives, among others that usually serve as support to the teaching-learning process. The effective and contextualized teaching of English as a target language requires a systematic scientific, methodological and idiomatic update by teachers. Certain skills, such as writing, demand greater intentionality from the deficiencies that are systematized in their learning, so an orientation towards a better way of doing it is essential to achieve an independent, motivated and effective process. The objective study is to analyze the scientific-methodological assumptions of the teaching of writing in English within Cuban universities and the impacts this has on the training of their professionals. Essential assumptions will be established for the teaching of English as a second language (L2), the treatment of English L2 writing and the cognitive approach within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,will be analyzed, as well as the impacts of the new strategies on this skill will be analyzed in the context of the University of Granma.

Author Biographies

  • Aniuska Carrazana Cedeño, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba.

    Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa con Segunda Lengua Francés, Universidad de Granma, Bayamo, Granma,  Cuba.

  • Michelle María Álvarez Amargós, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba

    Máster en Cultura Latinoamericana. Profesor Auxiliar, Universidad de Granma, Bayamo, Granma,  Cuba.

  • Pedro Andrés Núñez Sánchez, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba

    Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesor Asistente, Centro de Idiomas, Universidad de Granma, Bayamo, Granma,  Cuba


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How to Cite

English L2 Writing Development: a social need for Cuban Universities. (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(3), 160-174. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/2686

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