Evaluation of Perfilhação and Mass Dries of Varieties of Wheat (Triticum durum) Cultivated in Angola



descritores morfológicos; variedades autóctones; variedade corda; produção


Due to the need of increasing the wheat production in Angola with the aim of reducing the import and to become self-sufficient, it is necessary to study some plant traits (plant multiplication, and mass dray), that would enable the improvement of the wheat varieties grown in some provinces of Angola. That is some of the social responsibilities of government with universities and researches institutes. The higher Polytechnic Institute of Kwanza Sul (ISPKS), through the Department of Agronomy has been doing the characterization of some local wheat varieties, grow in the province of Cuanza-Sul. The research was conducted in the polyethylene’s bags in the Agriculture Center Quenguela North, Luanda in 2019. Those were studied five local wheat varieties (Cassongue, Cassongue II, Corda, Sissete and Gungo). During the research were observed dray mass, and plant multiplication. These plants were randomly selected in each portion of the experiment and their repetitions. The collected date was subjected to analyses of variance (ANOVA) to test significant differences among dry mass plants, and plant multiplication. According to the results, Cassongue and Cassongue II had higher multiplication plants average (5,20 and 5,60) than other varieties. Corda had lower dry mass percentage (23%) at the end of plant multiplication, but had higher percentage after yield (98%), and 3835,34 kg/ha than other tested varieties.

Author Biographies

  • Joel Fausto Eculica, Instituto Superior Politécnico de Kwanza Sul. Kwanza Sul . Angola.

    Doutor em Protecção de Plantas. Professor Auxiliar. Instituto Superior Politécnico de Kwanza Sul. Angola

  • Luis Raúl Parra Serrano, Instituto Superior Politécnico de Kwanza Sul. Kwanza Sul. Angola.

    Dr. C. Professor Titular. Instituto Superior Politécnico de Kwanza Sul. Kwanza Sul. Angola.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of Perfilhação and Mass Dries of Varieties of Wheat (Triticum durum) Cultivated in Angola. (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(2), 47-56. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/2450

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