Use of mycorrhiza and liquid worm humus for the production of postures in the tomato crop in a calcium ferralitic soil in the municipality of Campechuela (Original)
mycorrhization; tomato cultivation; humus of worm liquidAbstract
With the objective of determining the effect of mycorrhization in a concentration of 75% of organic matter and the foliar application of earthworm humus in the growth and development of tomato crop positions, in a calcium ferralitic soil in an intensive orchard under conditions semicontrolled, with the inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by imbibition to tomato seeds for 12 hours and two treatments of earthworm humus applied at 7 and 14 days of germination with 3 replicas, and a control where the following variables were evaluated: germination, height of the plant, thickness of stem and length of the root. It was obtained as results that the germination occurred at 72 hours in 99% of the inhibited seeds and after 96 hours in the control in 90% and the best result in the treatments in the morphological indicators was for the dilution of 1/30 of the liquid Worm humus by foliar application, but increasing the dose decreases the mycorrhization in the roots of the Vita tomato seedlings, the radical colonization being affected and the economic valuation showed that the production of treated postures has greater benefits costs that control.
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