Evaluation of new varieties of corn under conditions of production (Original)
corn varieties; yield; phenological parametersAbstract
The objective of the research was to evaluate the yield and some phenological parameters of 15 varieties of corn in the non-optimal sowing season in the Base Business Unit "Cuchillo", among the varieties evaluated, the two most cultivated in the municipality were used (Tayuyo and Tuzón), the rest of the seeds were of improved varieties brought from the “Jorge Dimítrov” Research Institute. The experiment was mounted on a randomized design, with 15 treatments and three repetitions. The variables measured were statistically processed through a simple classification analysis of variance and comparison of means using the Duncan test at 5%. The results showed values in plant height between 212.3 and 247.9 cm, the length of the ear ranged between 26 and 32 cm; the Tuzón, H6 S3 and Villa Clara 32 varieties reached the highest number of grains per ear with averages of 607.8, 572.4 and 561.6 respectively; In the Holguín 14 and Holguín 22 varieties, the weight of the ear exceeded 500 g and the highest yield was reached by Villa Clara 3 and H12 S3 with more than 25 t / ha. Demonstrating that the varieties with the best performance in the evaluated parameters were: Holguín 14, Holguín 24, Holguín 22, Villa Clara 3 and H12S3.
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