Fidel Castro Ruz and his international vocation (Review)



fidel castro; internationalism; solidarity; political forces


Fidel Castro's internationalist vocation gains more force in the change of developing epoch, leading to the reconfiguration of the political map of Latin America, the Caribbean and the world. In the present historical moment, some leftist forces gave way, the resurgence of the anti-neoliberal struggle is observed, in different ways. The right goes to the judicialization of politics, the falsehoods and actions that make visible a strong articulated strategy of US imperialism with the native oligarchies to delegitimize the progressive leaders, demonize them, dismiss them or imprison them in various nations of the planet. In a world so unequal and exclusive that it concentrates wealth and that today is experiencing the most perverse phase of capitalism; the articulation of the revolutionary and progressive forces and of the social movements in the practice of internationalism, solidarity and humanism is urgently needed to confront the imperialist subversion strategies spearheaded by the dominant system in the United States. On the other hand, in Fidel Castro Ruz, there are formulations that offer epistemic, methodological, axiological and sociopolitical foundations to understand the transformations of contemporary political processes, but which also make it possible to forecast and transform the current state in favor of the revolutionary forces of the left and progressive. This paper shows the value of a set of pronouncements by the Historic Leader of the Cuban Revolution to understand his internationalist and solidarity actions in favor of multipolarity, multilateralism, integration and in opposition to various dominant forces within and outside the social sphere, national, hemispheric and global.

Author Biographies

  • Efrén Evelio Rodríguez Ricardo, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor auxiliar. Graduado Maestro Primario. Departamento de Historia y Marxismo - Leninismo

  • Iliana Labrada Milán, Universidad de Granma

    Profesora asistente. Licenciada en Marxismo-Leninismo e Historia. Profesora de Economía Política. Departamento de Historia y Marxismo-Leninismo


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How to Cite

Fidel Castro Ruz and his international vocation (Review). (2020). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 4, 1086-1096.

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