Tutoring as an orientation route: theoretical conceptions and practical experiences (Review)
mentoring; undergraduate orientation; theory; practiceAbstract
One of the ways of orientation to ensure success in undergraduate academic training is tutoring. This is conceived as a type of articulation between the teacher and the student; but in this case it has the imprint of the context in which they operate. From this conception, the experience developed during the last two years, allows the authors to elaborate a methodology that favors the individual and group work for the development of the teachers linked to the tutoring in the Career of Initial Education in the Metropolitan University of Ecuador from the diversity that their influences represent and the students with whom they work. Some factors that can become potentialities and needs of this process in practice are revealed. The results of a project linked to enhancing the mentoring exercise as a way of orientation that allows to dynamize the process of student training in Higher Education are also exhibited.
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