The teaching-learning process of educational research: experiences in the initial education career (Review)
educational investigation; teaching-learning; functional guideAbstract
The objective of this paper is to reflect on the experiences generated in the teaching-learning process of Educational Research in the students who attend the 6th semester of the UMET Initial Education career. Investigating implies a larger, broader notion than making a logically well-formulated methodological design, even though it is necessary and is what is generally evaluated. However, to achieve a processual work where the availability of research tools is guaranteed requires reflecting on self-referential aspects as a strategy that can stimulate the student's active participation in the subject of Educational Research Methodology, in relation to their profession, Initial Education. And it is that the subject when learning, know and become aware of how the teacher should take the research and from this, maintain a position that results from their reflection and construction of contextualized knowledge before the educational reality with which you must to work. To achieve this, it is essential to know the methodological and investigative contents, which are organized and configured during this learning process. The result is to promote the configuration of a functional strategic guide that allows the productive use of this knowledge.
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