Didactic model of formation and development of info-technological skills in the second cycle (Original).
skills; Info-technology; model; teaching-learning process.Abstract
The elaboration of a didactic model of formation and development of info-technological skills has among its main characteristics, that of being open, due to its capacity to interact with the environment. It is flexible because it can be adapted and accommodated to different situations within a general framework or structure. The objective of the work was to do a theoretical representation of the process of formation and development of info-technological skills in the second cycle, within the teaching-learning process of the subject Computer Science in Primary Education, through the integration of the components and the relationships established among them. There were used methods and techniques of the qualitative criterion of research, such as observation, interview, survey, pedagogical test and documentary analysis, in order to accomplish the established purpose. The model proposed, is a set of sub-processes of the teaching-learning process of the subject Computer Science of the second cycle, related to each other as a form of interaction that identifies them with certain independence and coherence. It is structured into three subsystems: Cognitive-instrumental structuring of info-technological skills, Appropriation of computer content and Systematization of info-technological skills. Likewise, it was done the theoretical foundation of the info-technological approach, the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation and development of info-technological skills are grounded, as a function of learning in the subject Computer Science, and there are defined the info-technological skills that are necessary to form in the students, with their actions and operations.
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