Environmental partnership impact of the university extension in the community Martial Jiménez from Campechuela, Granma (Original)


  • Tamara del Carmen Martínez Rosa Universidad de Granma
  • Xiomara Sánchez Batista Universidad de Granma
  • Enrique Luis Verdecia Pérez Centro Universitario Municipal Campechuela


university community; comprehensive general culture; social environment; university extension


Nowadays, the subjection of the university community to the development of sociocultural projects in urban or rural communities, is one of the fundamental aspects to be developed from university extension as a process oriented in principle to the educational work of the university institution and its social environment, as well as to raise the overall general culture of human potential, consciously motivate citizen participation to transform the reality of the environment and meet their expectations and interests. In this regard, the research responds to the prominence of university extension in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, three and eleven. Therefore, it is proposed to expose the socio-environmental impact that the university extension has had on the Marcial Jiménez community of Campechuela, Granma, since the transformation of several landfills into socio-environmentally useful spaces, such as: a community agro-ecological park with more than 600 plants and a classroom for environmental education, through circles of interest, scientific societies, postgraduate programs, seminars, interactive workshops; an agroecological farm that hoards in its floristic fund one hundred six species of fruit, where twentyfour agroecological practices are applied, transformation that allows to link the theory with the practice through the training and socialization of integrating tasks, standing out the scientificscientific advice of the university in careers related to agronomy; and finally the recreation area "La Cañada" was created for children and young people to recreate during their free time. Both transformations boast the status of national reference.


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How to Cite

Environmental partnership impact of the university extension in the community Martial Jiménez from Campechuela, Granma (Original). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(4), 41-51. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/976