Agroecological management of pests in urban farming systems of the municipality of Manzanillo, province of Granma (Original)


  • Odalis Georgina Doural Estrada Sucursal TRANSTUR Granma
  • Ana Puertas Arias Universidad de Granma
  • Quirino Arias Cedeño Universidad de Granma


pest management; urban agriculture; agroecology; biopesticides


Urban agriculture in Cuba is an important source of production of vegetables and other fresh agricultural products, which is carried out within the cities and in its periphery through various farming systems, among others the best known are the organopónicos and intensive orchards, where the use of synthetic pesticides for the control of pests is allowed. A study was carried out for two years in production systems representative of the main crops that have been developed in urban and peri-urban agriculture in the city of Manzanillo, Granma, through a participatory research process to characterize pest management. It was found that farmers have made innovations to adopt various agroecological practices, mainly the management of floristic diversity, agronomic management of crops and biological control, all at the level of the production system, which gives it a system approach. They stand out for their acceptance by the farmers the rotations and the associations of crops, the live barriers of corn and other plants, the use of repellent plants, the perimeter live fences with different purposes, the promotion of reservoirs of natural enemies, the elaboration and application of biopesticides and botanical biopreparations in general, among others.


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How to Cite

Agroecological management of pests in urban farming systems of the municipality of Manzanillo, province of Granma (Original). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(3), 99-111.

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