The technical-professional preparation of Agronomy teachers in General Education (Original)
Technical and Vocational Education; General Education; continuing education; vocational-technical preparation.Abstract
The research responds to one of the problems of General Education in Cuba, related to the insufficiencies in the technical-professional preparation of Agronomy teachers as part of their permanent training. In this direction, a flexible, dialectic, systematic and participative strategy is elaborated for its application in Technical and Professional Education in the municipality of Yara, with the participation of professionals and managers of state and non-state sector enterprises. Likewise, vocational, labor and technical-professional training is favored according to the characteristics of the educational level in question. Different methods are used, such as: the dialectical-materialist as the guiding method and the theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, all in function of the object of the research, as well as to contribute to the interpretation of the information and the evaluation of the results. The application of the referred strategy allows strengthening the Agronomy teacher's updated preparation on the content of the profession. It also contributes to the quality of the graduates and, therefore, to the improvement of their professional performance. The opinions of the directors, teachers, tutors, family members, the community and students endorse the relevance and timeliness of the proposal.
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