Protocol of medical action for adolescents with depressive disorders and cognitive alterations (Original)



depression; therapy; medical protocol; adolescence, neuropsychological tests


With the objective of design a guide of clinical practices for the management of depression in adolescents admitted to the Crisis Intervention Unit of the Provincial Children’s Hospital "Octavio de la Concepción de la Pedraja", a descriptive and development study was carried out whose population was made up of 39 adolescents of both sexes and the sample selected intentionally consisted of 15 adolescents who met the inclusion criteria. Biomedical and sociodemographic variables were determined, diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Diseases and the Montgomery-Âsberg Depression Scale were used, and the severity of the disorder was evaluated; subsequently, neuropsychological tests were applied validated in Cuba for pediatric ages, measuring parameters of phonetic and semantic verbal fluency. Female prevalence was observed between 15 and 16 years. The research resulted in a very useful product that combined medical care criteria related to adolescents depression. The methodology positively influences the diagnosis and control of depressed patients and will prevent future complications with the corresponding social impact. With the use of a clinical practice guide, it is gained in the use of working time and in the use of human and material resources; it also offers an opportunity for the development of standards of quality of care in the hospital.

Author Biographies

  • Daysuki Mayra Villavicencio Escalona, Policlínico Docente Comandante “Pedro Sotto Alba”. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Doctora en Medicina. Especialista de primer grado en Psiquiatría Infantil. Instructor.

  • Juan Alfonso Sosa Cedeño, Policlínico Docente Comandante “Pedro Sotto Alba”. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Psicología. Máster en Psicología del Deporte. Instructor.

  • Ismaela del Carmen Mogena Cedeño, Policlínico Docente Comandante “Pedro Sotto Alba”. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Doctora en Medicina. Especialista de primer grado en Medicina General Integral. Instructor.


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How to Cite

Protocol of medical action for adolescents with depressive disorders and cognitive alterations (Original). (2023). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 8(1), 120-143.