Educational intervention on COVID 19 in students of Medicine Policlinico “Luis Enrique of the Paz”, Yara (Original)
COVID 19; educational intervention; students of medicine; SARS CoV 2; Infections for coronavirus; CoronavirusAbstract
Foundation: The COVID 19 I constitute an one belonging to them more frightening disease of the present century, for his lofty transmissibility and letalidad. Conocer on her is a form to prevent it and to avoid the appearing of new renewals. Objective: Describing the results of an educational intervention on COVID 19, in students of Ciencias Medical of the Poly-Clinician Luis Enrique of Peace Reina. Methods: Yara, of the Policlinico Docente Luis Enrique accomplished an educational intervention, the universe quietly constituted by 42 students of fifth year of medicine of the university seat of the municipality herself of the Paz Reyna, perteneciente to the faculty of medical sciences Celia Sánchez Manduley, the ones that in turn conformed the sign, in the period April - May 2022. A diagnosis to identify the level of information on the COVID accomplished 19 itself, in the one that general appearances of the disease extended throughout themselves: Definition, roads of transmission, clinical Sintomatologia, Control and prevention. An educational intervention took effect on that base. Results: Before the educational intervention the students of 5to year of medicine 19 like disease had a COVID's level of inadequate information (26.2 %), little knowledge on the roads of transmission (47.6%), of the clinical (66.7 %) and prevention manifestations and control of the disease (61.9 %). Findings: An adequate level of information of the students on the COVID achieves 19 itself after applying the educational strategy.
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