Bibliometric analysis of publications related to researchers. Yara, 2009-2019 (Original)
innovation projects; innovation project management; bibliometrics; bibliometric indicators; scientific productionAbstract
The challenges of contemporary times recognize scientific research as a driving force for the social economic development of human populations. That is why the objective of this article is to characterize the productivity of scientific articles through a bibliometric analysis of the publications related to the researchers of the Yara Municipality, 2009-2019. The Registry of publications in the period 2009-2019 in terms of scientific article research is taken as the primary source. A total of 62 published articles that were related to the research during this stage are analyzed. For the analysis, only scientific articles were included and editorials and reviews were excluded. The following variables were studied: number of publications per year, number of publications per journal, type of journal article, and number of authors. An increasing trend in publications led by researchers was observed. The distribution predominated in 2016 and 2019, as well as the Multimed magazine with 56.3%, the type of original articles with 99.4% and the distribution with more than five authors per publication.
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