Quality of the final evaluation instrument of the subject cell tissues and integumentary system (Original)
Learning Assessment; Difficulty Index; Discrimination Power; Discrimination Index; Discrimination coefficientAbstract
The learning assessment is an essential component of the teaching-learning process as a means of feedback for its own direction and improvement. A descriptive study was carried out in the field of evaluation of 407 exams that correspond to the total number of students presented to the Ordinary Examination of the Cell Tissue and Integumentary System Subject to evaluate the quality of said exam through the level of difficulty and the power of discrimination of the instrument. The results obtained showed adequate quality from the coherence between the questions, the level of difficulty and the power of discrimination. This research allowed the teaching staff to deepen the design of the evaluation instruments and thus carry out actions that guarantee the quality of the students' training for the improvement of the teaching-learning process, mainly the evaluation system.
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