The Agricultural Cooperatives in the municipality of Bayamo. Current situation and its contribution to local development (Original)
agricultural cooperative; cooperative management; cooperative principles; local developmentAbstract
Cooperatives is propped as a form of business organization in Cuba. The reasons indicate the need to continue the work carried by the observatory for the development, monitoring and cooperative promotion in the province of Granma, as concrete way of contributing to the economic, political and social development of the Bayamo municipality, incorporate proposal that increase well-being and prosperity of the population, predicting and systematically evaluating the impacts obtain. Cooperative development has made significant progress in the municipality of Bayamo; however, weaknesses remain. For this reason, the scientific problem of this work is how do the existing insufficiencies in the management process of the agricultural cooperatives of the Bayamo municipality limit cooperative development and local development? The highly general research method used is the dialectical - materialistic one. Regarding empirical methods, participant observation and survey used. Professors and researchers from the University of Granma, companies and organizations from the province participated in the research.
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