Application of B-learning Through a Methodology for the Dynamics of Interdisciplinary Relationships (Original)



autoaprendizaje; proceso de enseñanza; proceso de aprendizaje; competencia


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as part of compliance with curricular strategies are essential for the comprehensive training of students. Blended Learning or B-learning, as an integrative learning modality uses in a combined way face-to-face and virtual components, is used in this research because this modality contributes to the development of digital competences that are part of the Professional Model of the Bachelor of Education Major, Chemistry. However, deficiencies in the appropriation of content that limit professional training are revealed. The objective of this research consists of the application of B-learning through a methodology for the dynamics of interdisciplinary relationships that contributes to favoring self-learning by students and the integration of chemical and didactic contents in combination with technological tools. The use of theoretical and empirical methods, in their dialectical relationship, made it possible to determine the detected regularities and to verify the feasibility of the proposal in educational practice by showing greater development of competencies in the students referred to the nomenclature and the formulation of chemical equations in interaction with the MOODLE platform.

Author Biography

  • Loida Bonet Avilés, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Cuba.

    Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas.  Profesora Auxiliar. Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Cuba


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How to Cite

Application of B-learning Through a Methodology for the Dynamics of Interdisciplinary Relationships (Original). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(2), 169-184.