Particularities of the Tree Stratum in the Macanacú Coffee Ecosystem, Guisa Municipality, Granma Province



coffee ecosystem; plant diversity; tree stratum


In order to determine the particularities that the tree stratum presents in the coffee ecosystem, investigations were carried out in areas of the UBPC “Antonio Sánchez”, in the Macanacú area, Guisa municipality, with the use of methods and methodologies typical of the studies of plant diversity, such as floristic inventory, structure and composition of the vegetation, by means of which the presence of fifty five (55) species of plants, forty six (46) genera and twenty five( 25) botanical families was determined, where the species with the greatest ecological weight are Coffeaarabica and Coffeacanephora. Trees make up the second most represented vegetation stratum, with seventeen (17) species belonging to fifteen (15) of the genera and  eleven(11) of the botanical families present, which implies a report on the plant diversity of the studied coffee ecosystem, they are present in components B and C of the same, closely related to the species Coffeaarabica and Coffeacanephora, which make up component A, which provide shade and other ecological services of vital importance for the sustainability of this ecosystem.

Author Biography

  • Sandra Leonela López Álvarez, (Dr. C.), Universidad de Granma

    Doctora en Ciencias Agrícolas. Profesora Titular. Universidad de Granma, Bayamo, Cuba


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How to Cite

Particularities of the Tree Stratum in the Macanacú Coffee Ecosystem, Guisa Municipality, Granma Province. (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(2), 359-368.