Tasks to develop writing in English at an A2 level (Original)
statistical control; processes; quality; variabilityAbstract
The aim of the present work is to create and apply a series of tasks to enhance the performance level of university students of Granma province in the ability of writing in English in the basic level A2, established in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). Besides, it also refers to some limitations detected in the students of this institution that impede them to accomplish this level in this ability, despite of the diversity of exercises existing in the basic bibliography for achieving the levels A1 and A2; likewise the problems resulting from the proficiency tests of this foreign language. The importance of this research consists on the fact that this series of tasks does not exist in the basic bibliography used for the courses Basic English 1 and 2, which corresponds to levels A1 and A2. As result, positive transformations are accomplished, showed in a better students´ performance, in such a way that it permitted to certify the level A2 in the ability object of research. In general, it is stated that this work could be used as a tool to generalize in other English courses in Cuban Universities.
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