Wells thermotolerant coliforms, causes and ultraviolet radiation treatment. Popular Council Yara, 2020. (Original)
thermotolerant coliforms; wells; ultraviolet treatmentAbstract
The territory studied has a low coverture of basic sanitation services, which makes it necessary some domestic alternatives which allow to serve water in a secure way in order to avoid any gastrointestinal disease. This problem is stressed by human attitudes which facilitate their own health detriment due to the rack of knowledge, or to disrespectful behavior with the ecosystem they live in. This solar or ultraviolet radiation treatment is a method easy to apply and also effective and cheap. These characteristics adjust it to the studied sociodemographical context. This situation allowed us to propose as the main objective: To determine the contamination degree with thermotolerant coliforms of wells, and to identify the environmental risks that made easier their contamination, as well as to describe the solar treatment impact in contaminated waters as an alternative solution. Due to that reason 100 wells were bacteriologically studied in the Popular Council of Yara. Those wells were stratified in to urbans and rurals. The investigation rests on the prevailing situation; its importance, taking into account that it identifies sanitarian factors which should impact in men's health deterioration and proposes an admissible solution to the problem. Besides, it contributes to the energetic saving, and therefore to the noxious impact diminution to the environment, taking advantage of the ozone layer damage in favor of who generated it. Taking advantages even, upon conventional methods based on chemical products or physical methods which are used nowadays in water purification in the above mentioned community.
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