The University Management of Knowledge in the systematization of experiences for territorial development (Review)
knowledge; systematization; experiences; developing; territories.Abstract
Within the Territorial Development (DT) approach, elements such as: social construction, the way of raising dialogues and conflicts, of cogenerating knowledge and skills, require a new approach if they are intended to generate the necessary changes for a more just society. The University Management Program of Knowledge and Innovation for Development (GUCID) was born under the idea of promoting local development from Higher Education, articulating with science, technology and innovation activities. The actors of this teaching: universities, research centers, attached or not to universities, and Municipal University Centers (CUM) present relevant results in various activities carried out in Cuban territories with government actors and decision makers who are the facilitators of the DT. The axis around which this contribution is structured is the reflection on Knowledge Management, the facilitators of the DT, the Systematization of experiences, raising concrete elements of how to carry it out. With the aim of generating a shared knowledge and language about these terms, the aspects that, from practice, are needed to understand the actions and thus seek the multidisciplinary collaborations that allow us to continue building the DT approaches on which they are working.
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