Individualized periodization of Bondarchuk (Review)


  • Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior Castelo Branco University

Palabras clave:

sports; hammer throw; athletic performance; periodization.


Periodization is defined by Professor Doctor Antonio Carlos Gomes of Brazil as all the training process. In 1984 the Soviet of Ukrainian origin Bondarchuk elaborated the individualized periodization for the hammer throw athletes. Bondarchuk was Olympic champion of the hammer throw in 1972 and after the athlete period, Bondarchuk became hammer throw coach, the moment that he developed his periodization. This periodization is called individualized periodization because all the training structure is according to the adaptations of each athlete. This periodization is also called of integrator periodization model because the physical training and the technical and tactical training are elaborated during the same session and/or during the same exercise. This periodization has the development period of the sports form, the maintenance period of the sports form, and the rest period. The intensity is high with a mean of 85 to 90% and the volume has little change during the year. Bondarchuk informed that the peak in your periodization is in 2 to 8 months. The peak of the athlete depends on how the macrocycle is elaborate, of the level competitive of the athletes, what exercises the sportsman practices, and others. In conclusion, individualized periodization of Bondarchuk is content important for the coach to organize the training. 


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior, Castelo Branco University

    Master in Science of the Human Motricity


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Cómo citar

Individualized periodization of Bondarchuk (Review). (2019). Revista científica Olimpia, 16(57), 66-73.

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