Illegality of the evidence in the hearing to formulate charges in flagrant crimes in Ecuador (Review).
hearing in flagrante delicto; illicit evidence; due processAbstract
This scientific article presents as a general objective: to identify from a critical-legal perspective how both the formulation of charges and the imposition of precautionary measures on the accused during the hearing for formulation of charges and/or qualification of flagrancy, based solely on the minimal procedural acts collected by the police officer, violate due process in guaranteeing the right to defence, the principle of contradiction, and the presumption of innocence. This is done using a qualitative methodological approach, applying scientific methods such as historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, and inductive methods, which demonstrate that the elements of conviction presented in the hearing for qualification of flagrancy or formulation of charges are often obtained unlawfully, leading to unjust and arbitrary detentions that sustain illegal and arbitrary procedural consequences, which urgently need to be addressed.
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