Prevalence and risk factors of alcoholic fatty liver worldwide (Original)
liver; prevention; genetic factors; prevalence; incidenceAbstract
Alcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the first stages of alcohol-related liver disease. If left untreated and alcohol consumption continues, it can progress to more serious conditions such as alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. At present, complications are very recurrent in this context, which may vary depending on gender, quality of life, age, alcohol intake, frequent consumption of medications. The aim of this article is to analyze the prevalence and risk factors of alcoholic fatty liver disease worldwide. The methodology presented is of documentary design and the type of study is explanatory and bibliographic. The results showed that alcoholic fatty liver disease is a problem that, if not treated on time, can grow progressively. Age, sex, genetic factors, excessive alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle are the main contributors to this disease. Campaigns should be carried out and training should be encouraged to promote the prevention of this pathology. It is concluded that alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition in which fat accumulates in liver cells due to excessive alcohol consumption. In addition, it was observed that conditions such as age, genetic factors, autoimmune system can be the cause of this pathology.
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