Knowledge management in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law (Original).
learning; knowledge; teaching; management; technologies.Abstract
The Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba is constantly updating its training system, considering new forms of management. At the University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez", a research project related to the improvement of the training process was developed, which diagnosed in students deficiencies related to knowledge management in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law, associated to the efficient use of technologies. The objective of this article is to present the blog as a didactic tool in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law. It allows students to manage information related to the knowledge of the subject. The method used is the census approach. The model used is the case study. This is a research based on the analysis of qualitative data in the form of participatory observations and quantitative data obtained from semi-structured interviews. The result is the blog as a didactic tool in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law. The main conclusion is that knowledge management in the teaching-learning process of Agrarian Law, through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is of utmost importance to improve the professional training of the Law Graduate.
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