Philosophical Referents that Support Humanist Training in Higher Education. (Review)
philosophical referents; humanistic training in higher educationAbstract
Humanistic training requires mastery, professional and educational potentialities of the disciplines and subjects that make up the plan of the teaching process of pedagogical majors, of a theoretical-conceptual integrity that establishes the interrelationships between the link with the professional problems of education and the historical - contextual conditions that characterize current Cuban society. The intention of this article is to reflect on the philosophical references that sustain humanistic training in Higher Education to contribute to the development of new generations. In the preparation of the article, methods of scientific research were applied, among which the criticism of sources, the hermeneutic and the comparative methods are, allowing to reflect on the interests of the "Blas Roca Calderío" head office of the University of Granma.
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