Sistema de ejercicios para el desarrollo de la expresión oral en el onceno grado en el Preuniversitario Julio Antonio Mella de Manzanillo (Original)
oral expression; eleventh grade; system of exercises; practicalResumo
This article is the result of a research that contributes to the necessity of improving oral expression in eleventh graders at Julio Antonio Mella Senior High School in Manzanillo. It suggests a system of exercises that contributes to the solution of the scientific problem by means of its application in the English lessons. The research is important because it helps to improve the teaching learning process of English at this level, that is, it permits to develop students´ oral expression in a practical way. The novelty consists on the implementation of the system of exercises to guarantee the process of communication in the foreign language.
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Webster`s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary._ s.l.: Ed.Revolucionaria, 1987.
Byrne, D. (1989). Teaching Oral English. La Habana: Revolucionaria.
Canale, M. and Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing in Applied linguistics, Vol.1, No. 1, Spring.
Finocchiaro, M and Brumfit, C. (1983). The funtional: National Approach: from theory to practice. New York. Oxford University Press.
Giovannini, A. (1996). Professor in Action. Madrid: Edelsa Grupo Didascalia. S.A.
González, R. (2009). La clase de Lengua Extranjera. Teoría y práctica. La Habana: Pueblo y Educación.
Leontiev, A. N. (1975). Activity. Communication. Personality. La Habana: Pueblo y Educación.
Rogova, G.V. (1986). Methods of teaching English. Moscú: Prosvischenie.
Vigotsky, L. S. (1968). Language and thought. La Habana: Edición Revolucionaria.
Webster`s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary._ s.l.: Ed.Revolucionaria, 1987.
Como Citar
Sistema de ejercicios para el desarrollo de la expresión oral en el onceno grado en el Preuniversitario Julio Antonio Mella de Manzanillo (Original). (2021). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 5(4), 273-283.