Treatment of the environmental dimension through the socio-community program "For Life" (Original)


  • Arelis Guevara Enríquez Universidad de Granma
  • Rolando Ramírez Benítez Universidad de Granma
  • Amauris Moreno Armas Universidad de Granma


environmental dimension; community partner program; change of acting


The following research is the result of a community program thattakes place in the community of La Ceba, Veguitas, located in Yaratown, with the aim of promoting the preservation and development of culture in La Ceba neighborhood, through promotional actions cultural on educational bases, carried out by the students in function of the development of their professional competences and guided by the educators. The activities that are shown in the searching are framed mainly in the inclusion of the environmental dimension in the promotion of these activities. To develop it, different methods were used among which are: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, survey, and interview, which allow solving the problem posed, getting positive results in relation to the current situation in which the community is located, in correspondence with the national programs of CITMA.


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La Rueda Dentada

How to Cite

Treatment of the environmental dimension through the socio-community program "For Life" (Original). (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(3).