Fluctuation of scientific potential in Granma science and technology entities in the last five years (Review)
fluctuation; scientific potential; science entitiesAbstract
The work shows the study and the comparative status of the fluctuation of some indicators related to the scientific potential of Granma's science and technology entities in the last five years (2014, 2017, 2019), based on compliance with the indications of the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment on the reordering of science and technical entities in Cuba in its different stages. For the collection of information, different methods were used that allowed the tabulation of data and the percentage calculation of the indicators evaluated to establish comparisons. The results show that in the province of Granma, as it happens in the country, in the last five years motivated by different causes there is a fluctuation and a decrease in the indicators: total of researchers, number of researchers by scientific and teaching categories, number of masters and doctors in science and the worst situation of the evaluated indicators was detected in the Jorge Dimitrov Agricultural Research Institute, Cuban Nationality Center and in the Cupaynicu Botanical Garden. The Agroforestry Experimental Station of Guisa shows favourable indicators in the evaluated indicators.
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