Diagnosis of the potentialities and the limitations in the ecological agriculture under favorableenvironmental conditions in Jiguaní (Original)
agroecology; local development; food sovereignty; family agricultureAbstract
The present work made a diagnosis tothe municipality of Jiguani, on the potentialities and the limitations on the ecological agriculture under favorable environmentalconditions.Belonging to the Granma province,Jiguani is located in the Cauto plain, where agriculture is the main base of the economywithone agricultural enterprise, one cattle raising enterprise, onegenetic enterprise, one enterprise of collection and benefit of tobacco, 20 CCS, 14 UBPC, 2CPA andone urban farm; in all of them there are not enough productive methods to achieve sustainability of production based on the use of raw materials, materials and external fossil energy, in addition, there are 3282.70 ha of idle land, soildeterioration with increased salinity and extensive climatological problems periods of drought, all this suggests the needfor alternative agricultural development models to contribute to the promotionof guidelines and decisions regarding agroecology,that it is mainly based on more endogenous production and on the efficient use of natural and locally availableresourceswith the optimal use of the renewable resources that seeks sustainable development, making it a sustainablealternativefor the municipality.
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