The activities system out of the teaching learning process for the development of the knowledge in Environmental Education with the implementation of the State plan for the Confrontation to the climatic change in the students of the different races in the


  • Néstor Vargas Anaya Universidad de Granma
  • Delquis Pérez Pérez Universidad de Granma
  • Leodanis Labrada Piña Universidad de Granma


education; environmental education; system; out of the teaching learning process


In this research work is declared as a scientific problem: How to promote environmental education for the implementation of the State plan for the confrontation to climate change in the students of Pilón Municipal University Center?. Its objective is the proposal of the activities system out of the teaching learning process , which constitutes a valuable resource for the development of know ledge in Environmental Education for students of the different careers of the CUM, as the main problem that affects the teaching-learning process. It in clud es recommendations methodological in order to put in practice and be used as a tool for teaching in teaching institutions.


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How to Cite

The activities system out of the teaching learning process for the development of the knowledge in Environmental Education with the implementation of the State plan for the Confrontation to the climatic change in the students of the different races in the. (2019). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 3(1), 124-137.