Determination of a rational technology for the benefit and care of corn seeds (Zea Mays L.) (Original)
corn seed; industrial yield; seed lossesAbstract
The present work was developed in the Plant of Benefit of Grains of the UEB Granma belonging to the Company Producer and Market of Seeds Granma, located in Bayamo among the month of December 2011 and March of the 2012, with the objective of obtaining a rational technology for the benefit and care of the seeds of corn, starting from the damages mechanical caused to the same ones, as well as the utilities reached by prosecution technologies (technology vertical and horizontal). Having as a result that the vertical technology, T1, reached the biggest percent (5,0 %) of seeds with mechanical damages, overcoming this value in 2,2 % to the opposing damages to the seeds processed by the horizontal technology, T2, with 2,8 %. Allowing these damages mechanical losses of seeds records to make plant of 2,58 and 2,02 t respectively, being stopped to sow for this concept 143 and 112 ha respectively of soil. The industrial yield of the seeds of T2 (89 %) it was 3 % superior to that of T1 (86 %). The utilities in T2 were de12 751,20 CUP for production of 18,40 t with an increment of 4 250,40 CUP for a gain of 42 504,00 CUP.
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