The improvement of the marketing of agricultural products for tourism in the territory of Granma (Original)
purchase; sale; demand; hiring; tourismAbstract
The work was developed in Frutas Selectas Granma and addresses the process of improving the commercialization of agricultural products for tourism, its application is very important to stimulate the growth of sales and thus face the growing demands of visitors visiting the territory. The objective is to contribute to the improvement of the marketing of agricultural products destined for tourism in Granma. With the application of surveys to clients, interviews, as well as the analysis of the main economic indicators, some shortcomings were detected, such as the non-fulfillment of contracts by the productive bases, the application of purchase prices for agricultural products not in accordance with the demands of tourism, having an old and deteriorated transport park to carry out the activities of collection and distribution to tourism, does not guarantee the productive flow forward as required by international standards. The infrastructure for the benefit of products in the commercial premises is not up to the demands and quality standards that the tourism sector demands today. The partial results of the application of the improved commercialization procedure for tourism in Granma shows a growth of total sales of agricultural products in physical, from 342791 Kg in 2016 to 391012 Kg in 2017, 14.08%. This provided an increase in profits of 181.2% in 2017 with respect to 2016. This shows the positive results of the procedure used.
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