Evaluation of the losses of sugar cane (Saccharum Officinarum spp.) That are produced in the UEB Central Azucarero "Cristino Naranjo" (Original)


  • Edecio Guerrero Batista Universidad de Granma
  • Yosvel Enrique Olivet Rodríguez Universidad de Granma
  • José Alberto Jiménez Rodríguez Universidad de Granma


losses; foreign matter; efficiency


The present work developed in the Central Sugar UEB Cristino Naranjo, It belongs to the Popular Piece Of Advice Cristino Naranjo, of the municipality Cacocum, province of Holguín, the same it had for objective to evaluate the losses in the Central Sugar UEB, I eat such: The losses in harvest, the evaluation of the efficiency of the cleanliness in the center of stock (THE), the loss of cane for fan (PVL), the consumption of electric power and the entrance of strange matter to the central sugar basin's tilter and the consequences that they bring I get in the manufacturing process. For the realization of the same utilized the standard himself NRAG XXI (2005) and the Manual of centers of stock and of cleanliness, through the analytical method – investigating, they measured themselves them percentage of ground in the harvested mass, center in the harvested mass, sheets in the harvested mass, plants arvenses in the harvested mass, the cane dries in the mass harvested, lost of cane at the field. Enter the ranking results it are  found that losses find 4.1 % below the 5 %, the efficiency of the center to a 30 %, the index of consumption 0,79 kW·t-1, and the matter makes bight wonder to the central you oscillate on the average to 11.8 %.


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How to Cite

Evaluation of the losses of sugar cane (Saccharum Officinarum spp.) That are produced in the UEB Central Azucarero "Cristino Naranjo" (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 2(5), 60-69. https://revistas.udg.co.cu/index.php/redel/article/view/579

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