Actions of Territorial Marketing for development of the Popular Council Old Airport of Bayamo, Cuba (Original)
local development; territorial marketing; actions; endogenous productions; agricultural marketingAbstract
The purpose of this presentation is to expose the main actions of Territorial marketing that contribute to the development improvement local of the Popular Council Old Airport of the Bayamo municipality, Cuba. This locality is semi-urban and is located in the northeastern periphery of the city of Bayamo, has an area of 48.49 km² and is divided administratively in 7 Circumscriptions, 12 Zones, 108 Defense Committees of the revolution and 8 concentrated rural settlements where they live 6129 people; of them many are peasants who produce consumer goods food The commercialization of these endogenous food products derived from agriculture, livestock and industrial manufacturing is now disorderly and does not benefit the rest of the community this place. That is why the proposal of territorial Marketing actions contributes to the impulse of the local development of this community. The main conclusions of the research is that the lack of initiatives of local development of the Municipal People's Power of Bayamo towards this community affects the difficulties that exist for marketing of their endogenous productions; that the productions endogenous food of the community have a commercialization deregulated towards the inside and outside of this; that the EU have a stable supply or regular trade for their productions The results of the research show that work with The six variables of the Territorial Marketing strategy proposed for endogenous production, contribute to boost the local development of Popular Council Old Airport.
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