Pedagogical actions to strengthen the professional ethic from the Martian thought, in students of the first year of Forestry Engineering at the University of Granma (Original)


  • Alina González Rodríguez Universidad de Granma
  • Pedro Ángel Castro Contreras Universidad de Granma
  • Aleyda González Rodríguez Universidad de Granma


formation; ethics; actions; professional; thought; martian


This research is placed in the field of Pedagogical Sciences in the process of vocational training, aiming to develop pedagogical actions to strengthen professional ethics, from Marti’s thought, on students of the First Academic Year of Forestry Engineering at the University of Granma, based on the introduction and systematization of Marti’s thought based on the ethics from his example and consequently the general culture, centered in the context of the professionals in this specialty. The diagnosis allowed to corroborate the problem given by the inadequacies in the training of Forest Engineering professionals, around professional ethics. The research reveals actions and a system of activities that contribute to the strengthening of professional ethics from Marti's thought. It can be enriched, since the results and the feasibility of its application allow to develop an efficient educational process, determining the level of competence and responsibility of the future professionals in the fulfillment of their functions.

Author Biographies

  • Alina González Rodríguez, Universidad de Granma

    Profesora Asistente

  • Pedro Ángel Castro Contreras, Universidad de Granma

    Profesor Titular

  • Aleyda González Rodríguez, Universidad de Granma

    Profesora Asistente


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How to Cite

Pedagogical actions to strengthen the professional ethic from the Martian thought, in students of the first year of Forestry Engineering at the University of Granma (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 2(4), 51-61.