Budgeting in agricultural cooperatives: Agricultural Production Cooperative Clemente Espinoza Muñoz
agricultural production cooperative; budget; agricultural development; cooperative management.Abstract
The article analyzes the application of the budget as a tool for cooperative management and agricultural development to satisfactorily achieve economic, productive and social results in agricultural production cooperatives. For this purpose, the Agricultural Production Cooperative Clemente Espinosa Muñoz, of Río Cauto municipality, Granma province, is taken as a case study. The dialectical materialist method was used as theoretical method and as empirical methods: document analysis, scientific participant observation and interview. As main results, 70,5 % of the existing debt with the Credit and Commerce Bank was amortized during this period, the cooperative members' advances were guaranteed during the whole year 2023 and an increase from $1 000,00 to $3 000,00 was achieved. Significant improvements were obtained in training, coherence, awareness and motivation in carrying out all the activities of the entity, since most of the associates participated in the productive, economic and financial plans, given the integrating nature of the budget.
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