Risk Factors associated with recurrent wheezing in children under five years of age in Granma province
recurrent wheezing; pediatrics; risk factors; atopy.Abstract
Recurrent wheezing is a frequent reason for consultation and hospitalization in pediatric age. The aim of this article is to identify the risk factors associated to recurrent wheezing in patients under five years old at Luis Ángel Milanés Pediatric Hospital, located in Bayamo municipality, Granma province. A descriptive study of series of cases was carried out in patients with recurrent wheezing, attended in the allergology consultation of this hospital, in the period between April 2023 and April 2024. The study universe consisted of 53 patients who attended the consultation during the study period and the sample consisted of 48 patients who met the inclusion criteria of the research. Descriptive statistics were used to calculate the percentage. The main results were the predominance of male sex in the patients studied (62,5 %) and their urban origin (68,75 %). Personal and family history of atopy was present in most of the patients studied. The environmental risk factors for recurrent wheezing were house dust, exposure to tobacco smoke, as well as the presence of fungi and domestic animals. The predominant infectious factor for recurrent wheezing episodes was upper respiratory infections.
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