Mathematical baseball based on students' mathematical learning from knowledge management (Original)



mathematical baseball; knowledge management; teaching group; didactic game.


The didactic game "Mathematical Baseball" is of vital importance to achieve raise the level of learning of students, on the basis that each of them manages their knowledge in order to make them more and more durable. Through the management of knowledge in a group learning becomes more enjoyable, because the students feel and experience in them the desire and the need to look for new elements of the subject that will elevate their intellect and their integral formation. For this reason, this article was carried out with the objective of assess the results of the implementation of  the didactic game "Mathematical Baseball" for the development of the learners' learning in the subject Mathematics, based on knowledge management. For its development, methods were used: theoretical levels (historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, systemic-structural-functional), empirical and statistical. Didactic games and their well thought-out and conscious use contribute much to the integral formation of the new generations, encouraging in the students values such as solidarity, responsibility, laboriousness and companionship, in addition, the fact that learners manage their knowledge, enhances the talent of the most advantaged of the teaching group and makes the middle and low level in learning move to higher stages and make everyone feel an important part of their learning and that of others, as well as boosts motivation and interest towards the subject Mathematics.

Author Biographies

  • Edel Ernesto Pérez Almarales, Instituto Preuniversitario Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas. Bayamo. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Educación en la especialidad Matemática y Computación. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación.

  • Eduardo Miguel Pérez Almarales, Instituto Preuniversitario Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas. Bayamo. Cuba.

    Licenciado en Educación en la especialidad Matemática. Máster en Ciencias de la Educación y Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas.

  • Adriana García Peña, Instituto Preuniversitario Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas. Bayamo. Cuba.

    Licenciada en Educación Matemática.


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How to Cite

Mathematical baseball based on students’ mathematical learning from knowledge management (Original). (2023). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 8(1), 297-311.