Technological –exploitative evaluation of the machine-tractor sets for the cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (Original)



technological-exploitative evaluation; productivity; machine-tractor sets; Phaseolus vulgaris L.


The research was carried out in the Agricultural-Based Business Unit belonging to the Paquito Rosales Benítez Agricultural Company, of Yara municipality, Granma province. The objective of the article is the technological-exploitative evaluation of machine-tractor sets for bean cultivation (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), for which account was taken productivity per hour of clean time (WTP), per hour of operating time (W02), per productive time (W04), per hour of fault-free shift time (Wt), per hour of exploitation time (W07 ), all of these in (ha•h-1). The main results were that, the grading and sowing activity achieves a clean time productivity of 1.91 and 1.82 ha•h-1, an operational productivity of 1.49 and 0.91 ha•h-1, and a productive productivity of 0.46 and 0.40 ha•h-1, without failures of 0.37 and 0.30 ha•h-1 and exploitative of 0.26 and 0.24 ha•h-1, with a work speed of 7.62 and 7.12 km•h-1; while the breaking and harvesting activity show the highest fuel consumption, 22 and 7 L•ha-1, and direct operating expenses, respectively.

Author Biographies

  • Alexeis Guerrero Portales, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniero Agrícola.

  • Jorge Luís Ramos Zamora, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniero en Mecanización de la Producción Agropecuaria. Máster en Eficiencia Energética. Profesor Auxiliar.

  • Edecio Guerrero Batista, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Máster en Mecanizador Agropecuario. Profesor Auxiliar.


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How to Cite

Technological –exploitative evaluation of the machine-tractor sets for the cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (Original). (2023). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 8(1), 46-62.

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