Industrial production of soya milk at the Basic Business Unit La Hacienda, Bayamo (Original)



industrial production; soya milk; La Hacienda; food industry


The Basic Business Unit La Hacienda plays an important role in the Food Industry of Granma province, with influence in the national productive balance. It is a reference company in the country, due to the quality of the products it manufactures, with a consolidated corporate image and recognized brands in the national territory, with projection for international commercialization.  The objective of this article is to evaluate the industrial process for the production of soya milk, from the approach of elements such as the nutritional content of soya beans for the industry, its importance as food, derivatives produced in the unit under investigation and their characterization. Theoretical (historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction), empirical (analysis of documents, survey, observation) and statistical methods were applied. The main contribution consists of offering a work and consultation tool that will contribute to improve the productive indicators of the unit, in order to continue contributing to the country's economy and to feed the people. It also offers essential elements to make decisions in the short and medium term to improve the productive indicators and to outline a strategy to follow to minimize some of the causes of non-compliance.

Author Biographies

  • Idenia Guerra Fuentes, Centro de Trabajo y Estudio 10 de Octubre. Yara. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniero en Procesos Agroindustriales.

  • Romilio Lorenzo Quesada Matos, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniero Agrícola. Máster en Maquinaria Agrícola. Profesor Auxiliar.

  • Benjamín Gabriel Gaskins Espinosa, Universidad de Granma. Bayamo. Granma. Cuba.

    Ingeniero en Mecanización de la Producción Agropecuaria. Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas Agropecuarias. Profesor Titular.


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How to Cite

Industrial production of soya milk at the Basic Business Unit La Hacienda, Bayamo (Original). (2023). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 7(4), 511-523.