Floristic analysis of natural regeneration in a Semidecidual Mesophyllous Forest of Guisa´s Agroforestry Experimental Station (Original)


  • Leonardo José Báez-González Universidad de Granma
  • José Luis Rodríguez-Sosa Universidad de Granma


Bank of plants; natural regeneration; flora; Guisa


The work was carried out in the Forest of the Agro-forestry Experimental Station Guisa to analyze the floristic structure plots of 100 m2 and 4 m2 nested were randomly established, the normal diameter and height of the trees were taken, as well as the height of the plants smaller than 4 meters in height and ≤ 5 cm in diameter. Species were identified; the biological spectrum was made to assess floristic diversity, and the presence histogram to observe the heterogeneity of the species. The families Sapindaceae, Rubiaceae and Fabaceae were the most rich in species. The most constants and better distributed species under the forest roof were Eugenia buxifolia, Nectandra coriacea and Sideroxylon salicifolium, forming a BDP which allowed to the species respond to the stress of the place in an efficient way and for this they establish the physiognomy of the regenerant stratus.



How to Cite

Floristic analysis of natural regeneration in a Semidecidual Mesophyllous Forest of Guisa´s Agroforestry Experimental Station (Original). (2018). REDEL. Revista Granmense De Desarrollo Local, 1(3), 86-95.